To Blog Or Not to Blog: That Is The Question!
A blog (weblog) is an online journal in which you share your thoughts about a particular subject with readers.
For many, blogs are a foreign concept. Perhaps, this is because it’s been associated with the frivolous, random musings and the ramblings of others. However, from a business standpoint, blogs have much to offer and to ignore this tool, would definitely be to one’s own detriment.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs identifies recognition as a key element to all beings. But how exactly is this related to you and your business?
The relationship between customers and the businesses that they choose to support is one of paramount importance.
When customers feel that a brand cares for them, they are more likely to invest their hard earned money, time and efforts in the direction of such a business. This is also likely to result in repeated support, as well as a long term affiliation, and positive word-of-mouth promotion.
Sharing the core values and engaging with your target audience through blogs helps to establish and strengthen the customer to business relationship as the customer no longer feels targeted purely for financial gain.
How can a blog help you?
Having a blog is an effective way in which to convey more about your brand, and product or service offerings, which then goes beyond simply the sales aspect.
Integrating a blog into your communication tells your customers that you care, that you address more than simply that which they pay for, and that you are as invested in them, as they are in you.
Who should blog and how?
Blogs can be written from an individual standpoint, or an organizational one. Perhaps there is a cause that your organization believes in that will resonate well with your audience, or your CEO has words of encouragement that could prove beneficial in these trying times. How you write, will stem from what inspires you, what you are most passionate about, and what exactly it is that you would like to say.

If you would like to know more about Business Blogging, or are interested in our Blogging Services, reach out to us and let us guide you on this journey.